Saturday Jul 27

Congeries - December 2011

Natasha Trethewey - Poetry

TretheweyNatasha Natasha Trethewey is author of Beyond Katrina: A Meditation on the Mississippi Gulf Coast (U of Georgia P);  Native Guard (Houghton Mifflin), for which she won the 2007 Pulitzer Prize; Bellocq’s Ophelia (Graywolf, 2002) which was named a Notable Book for 2003 by the American Library Association; and Domestic Work (Graywolf, 2000). Her collection Thrall is due for publication in 2012. 

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Dennis Cooley - Poetry

CooleyDennis--creditDanaCooley Dennis Cooley grew up in southeastern Saskatchewan, went to the universities of Saskatchewan and Rochester, where by a set of fortuities he ended up with

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Emilia Phillips - Poetry

PhillipsEmilia Emilia Phillips is the Levis Fellow for the Coordination of the Levis Reading Prize at Virginia Commonwealth University and the associate editor emeritus of Blackbird.

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