Saturday Jul 27

Congeries - October 2010

Alfred Corn - Poetry

CornAlfred Alfred Corn is the author of nine books of poems, the most recent titled Contradictions.  In 2008 the University of Michigan Press published Atlas: Selected Essays, 1989-2007.  

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Dana Levin - Poetry

LevinDana Dana Levin’s books are In the Surgical Theatre and Wedding Day. The Los Angeles Times says of her work, "Dana Levin's poems are extravagant . . .

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Mark Jarman - Poetry

JarmanMark Mark Jarman’s latest collection of poetry is Epistles (Sarabande Books, 2007).  Sarabande Books will publish his new and selected poems, Bone Fires, in 2011. 

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Lee Upton - Poetry

UptonLee Lee Upton’s novella, The Guide to the Flying Island, was a winner of the Miami University Novella Competition.  She is the author of five books of poetry,

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Nick Lantz - Poetry

LantzNick Nick Lantz is the author of two books of poetry, We Don't Know We Don't Know (Graywolf Press, 2010) and The Lightning That Strikes the Neighbors' House (U of Wisconsin P, 2010).

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