Saturday Jul 27

Congeries - March 2011

Kyle Dargan - Poetry

DarganKyle Kyle Dargan, originally from Newark, New Jersey, is the editor and founder of Post No Ills online magazine and an assistant professor of literature and creative writing at American University.

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James Hoch - Poetry

HochJames James Hoch has worked as a dishwasher, cook, dockworker, social worker and shepherd.  His poems have appeared in Slate, Kenyon Review, Gettysburg Review,

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Brittany Perham - Poetry

PerhamBrittany Brittany Perham lives in San Francisco, where she is a Wallace Stegner Fellow at Stanford University.  Her recent work appears in TriQuarterly, Lo-Ball, Drunken Boat,

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Billy Ramsell - Poetry

RamsellBilly Billy Ramsell was born in Cork in 1977 and educated at the North Monastery and UCC.  Complicated Pleasures, his first collection, was published by the Dedalus Press, Dublin, in 2007.

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Will Wells - Poetry

WellsWill Will Wells’ most recent collection of poetry, Unsettled Accounts, won the 2009 Hollis Summers Poetry Prize (Ohio University/Swallow Press). 

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