Saturday Jul 27

Congeries - January 2010

Fleda Brown - Poetry

brown.jpg Fleda Brown won the Felix Pollak Prize for her newest collection of poems, Reunion (University of Wisconsin Press, 2007). She has a collection of memoir essays, Driving With Dvorak, be released  in March by the University of Nebraska Press.

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Lola Haskins - Poetry

haskins.jpg Lola Haskins’ ninth book of poems, Still the Mountain, is forthcoming from Paper Kite in Spring 2010. Before that, her most recent collections were The Rim Benders (Anhinga) and Desire Lines, New and Selected Poems (BOA).

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Amy Newman - Poetry

newman.jpg Amy Newman is the author of fall, Camera Lyrica, Order, or Disorder, and two chapbooks, BirdGirl Handbook and The Sin Sonnets.  Recent poems appear in The Kenyon Review, Ploughshares, and Narrative Magazine.  She teaches at Northern Illinois University and edits Ancora Imparo, the online journal of art, process, and remnant.

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Joni Wallace - Poetry

wallace.jpg Joni Wallace's poetry collection, Blinking Ephemeral Valentine, was selected by Mary Jo Bang for the 2009 Levis Prize and is forthcoming from Four Way Books. She holds an MFA from the University of Montana and a BA and JD from the University of New Mexico.

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Annie Finch - Poetry

annie-finch Annie Finch is the author or editor of fifteen books of poetry, translation, and criticism.  Her works of poetry include Eve (1997), Calendars (2003), The Encyclopedia of Scotland (1982, rpt. 2005),  The Complete Poems of Louise Labé (2006), and Among the Goddesses: An Epic Libretto in Seven Dreams (2009).

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Anna Akhmatova - Poetry [Translations by Finch, Kline]

Annie Finch is the author or editor of fifteen books of poetry, translation, and criticism.  Her works of poetry include Eve (1997), Calendars (2003), The Encyclopedia of Scotland (1982, rpt. 2005),  The Complete Poems of Louise Labé (2006), and Among the Goddesses: An Epic Libretto in Seven Dreams (2009).

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