Saturday Jul 27

KarenStefano As we wind our way into the holiday season, some of us skipping, most of us stumbling, I am thinking a lot about Community and what it means, particularly for all of us as writers and readers. My own personal definition of this term will always be evolving, but right now I think it means supporting one another through the rough times, celebrating one another’s victories, embracing not just our biological families but our “chosen” families as well.

I am also thinking a lot about gratitude. Not just because Thanksgiving is around the corner, but because it’s just what I do lately. Every morning when I wake up, I make a mental list of things I’m grateful for. Sometimes the items on that list might be as “small” as appreciating my soft clean sheets, or the cup of coffee I’m about to enjoy. Sometimes, it’s something “big” –a book coming out, getting a story accepted. Connotation Press is definitely on my Gratitude List these days because I am thrilled to join the Connotation Press family. I have enjoyed this magazine for many years and am honored to now be a part of the incredible team that creates it. Thank you Ken Robidoux and Meg Tuite for your faith in me!

And what a line-up we have this month! Featured writer Jon Sindell delivers us four gems with his flash pieces “Soft Spot,” “Victory Torch,” “The Walker,” and “Buddha On The Rail.” Be sure to read his interview where he shares the inspiration for these stories and shares his thoughts on what makes a flash piece work.

Featured writer Deirdre Fagan holds nothing back with her story “Yo-Yo,” whose narrator, as Deirdre shares in her interview, “attempts to veil her vulnerability, uncertain identity, and fear through willful exclamations about life as she undergoes her metamorphosis.”

Kristina Marie Darling blows our minds with her triumvirate “Adelle Pleads A Case Before The Jury,” “Adelle Implicates The Defendant,” “Adelle Walks Between Two Rooms.” These linked pieces are absolute dynamite.

Paul Beckman’s “Shop Talk,” “Session #1,” and “Mr. Ice Cream Truck” will make you laugh out loud. Seriously. Do not read these stories on public transportation because people seated around you will think you’re insane when you keep bursting out with giggles as you read these brilliant words.

Katherine Bell is an enormously talented writer and she absolutely dazzles her readers with   “Running Was In His Genes.” Caution: these characters will stick in your mind for a long, long time.