Tuesday Feb 18

Maryland Girls Visit Welcome to Issue III, Volume IX: January 2018 of Connotation Press: An Online Artifact.


For the past nine years I have sat here at my computer as the new year arrived posting the January 1st issue of our little purple lit mag that could. I have done it at resorts, in my truck parked at a store with wi-fi, twice, in a friend’s beach house, on a mountain cliff, dressed, undressed, sober and maybe not so much. And never once have I regretted it. Ever. It has always been an honor, and one of which I am deeply proud.

It has also been something of a tradition to make this short, as I am a husband loved by his wife, and often I am getting midnight kisses while setting links into this post. Not so much tonight, though. Tonight, Kaite is a tired lawyer who fell peacefully to sleep on my shoulder binge watching Big Bang Theory in the 11:00 hour. She is adorable, genuine, and kind, and I am grateful and take nothing for granted. 

I cannot express how much I love my life.

Now, because there's still stuff to do tonight, let’s get right to it and kick this pig to see what it’ll do!

This month A Poetry Congeries with John Hoppenthaler knocks one so far out of the park that the ball was last seen exiting the atmosphere on the way to forever. John launches the column with a note about joining twitter in his 50s, and from there things get seriously out of hand. John’s featured artist this month is split between two of the strongest writers we have on this continent: Terrance Hayes, and Patricia Smith. YES! YES! YES!!! From there we’re given stunning new work by Katie Ford, Peter Twal, Amy Dryansky, Kenneth Hart, and Translations of the brilliant poetry of Liliana Ancalao by Seth Michelson. AMAZING. All of it. Great start to a new year, John!

Meg Tuite’s Crazy Rabbit Review launches 2018 with a killer interview and a powerful new piece by the talented June Caldwell. June is one of the most talented Irish women writers out there and we are THRILLED to have her with us this month. "NATTERBEAN" is genius! Welcome June, and great job, Meg!

This month we are also seeing the beginning of the expansion of our Book Review column, as editor Julia Bouwsma delivers two reviews this month. First, Maryann Corbett gives strong marks to Aaron Poochigian’s new effort, Mr. Either/Or: A Novel in Verse. And then Julia reviews one herself when she dives into blud, by Rachael McKibbens. I absolutely adore this column and love the work Julia does, and I’ll take this time to thank both she and Ms. Corbett for these reviews. You both entirely rock!

Finally, A Drinker with a Writing Problem, by John Turi, continues to explore John’s past years working at a high-end alcohol merchant in Long Beach, CA, and the experiences that job brought his way. This month, John fittingly remembers his first taste of Dom Pérignon, and let's just say a few other things. Heeheehee. Enjoy! Oh yeah, and cheers!

That’s it for now. We invite you back to join us on the 15th for all new offerings in our Poetry, Fiction, and Creative Nonfiction columns when we’ll have even more truly wonderful written art just for you.

At the time of this writing, 2017 has been over for 24 minutes, and I am certain it will be retired to the "year whose number must not be spoken" list. So be it. Onward & Upward. For both my family and Connotation Press this coming year promises to be one of significant, especially difficult, life-affirming changes, and I say BRING IT! Nothing comes easy and we of the Robidoux clan along with all the editorial staff here at Con Press not only know it, we own it. Completely. With only love in our hearts from our house to yours, may this year be infinitely better than the last.

Connotation Press: Don't Let the Bastards Fool You, We Still Got This!

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