Saturday Jul 27

Creative Nonfiction

Paul Heilker - Creative Nonfiction

Paul-Heilker.jpg Paul Heilker is the Co-Director of the PhD in Rhetoric and Writing at Virginia Tech, where he teaches courses in rhetorical theory, composition, writing pedagogy, and literary nonfiction.  He is the author of The Essay: Theory and Pedagogy for an Active Form (NCTE, 1996) and of numerous essays masquerading as scholarship, which have appeared in journals such as College Composition and Communication and Rhetoric Review.

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Timothy L. Marsh - Creative Nonfiction

TimothyMarsh.jpg Timothy L. Marsh has lived in five different countries in the past five years. He now resides in Bali, Indonesia. A finalist in the 2009 Toasted Cheese Nonfiction Contest, his writing has appeared or been accepted in The Crab Orchard Review, The New Quarterly, The Newfoundland Quarterly, Waccamaw Journal 

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Cary Holladay - Creative Nonfiction

Holladay.jpgCary Holladay is the author of five volumes of fiction, most recently A Fight in the Doctor’s Office, which won the Miami UP Novella Contest. Her work appears in recent issues of The Southern Review, Glimmer Train, The Georgia Review, and New Stories From the South: The Year’s Best. Her awards include an NEA fellowship and an O. Henry Prize.

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Tom Sydow - Creative Nonfiction

Tom-Sydow Tom Sydow is creator and director of City Dialogues, a loose association of artists and writers who present collaborative multidisciplinary publications and shows, most recently at the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery at Barnsdall Art Park. He currently teaches writing and literature at Potomac State College of West Virginia University. Previous publications can be found in DisOrient, Mosaic, and Riprap, under an assumed name….

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Jeff Mann - Creative Nonfiction

Jeff-Mann Jeff Mann grew up in Covington, Virginia, and Hinton, West Virginia, receiving degrees in English and forestry from West Virginia University. His poetry, fiction, and essays have appeared in many publications, including The Spoon River Poetry Review, Prairie Schooner, Shenandoah, Laurel Review, The Gay and Lesbian Review Worldwide, Crab Orchard Review, Bloom, Appalachian Heritage, Best Gay Poetry 2008, and Best Gay Stories 2008.

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