Sunday Feb 16

White Anath White is an Illinois native that fell for film and poetry at the University of Colorado/Boulder. Following a stint in public radio, she moved into (pre-Limbaugh) talk, producing shows for Alan Berg, the star at venerable 50,000 watt KOA-AM/Denver.  Nine months later, Berg was assassinated by a neo-Nazi cell, The Order. When director Oliver Stone made “Talk Radio,” with a script combining a play by Eric Bogosian with elements of the Berg story, White was Stone's technical advisor and had a cameo in the film.  After holding distribution and special projects positions at The American Film Institute, she’s been freelancing on everything from script coverage for Sundance to researcher/creative consultant on Showtime projects to associate producing/coordinating British TV shoots and, most recently, associate producing 3 documentaries. Now a Far-Flung Correspondent for, she writes poetry as well as narrative non-fiction, and is completing a memoir of the 4 1/2 years following Alan Berg’s murder.
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