Sunday May 05

Darlington Tenaya Darlington is the author of the blog Madame Fromage. She is also a guest-blogger for the Philadelphia cheese mecca known as Di Bruno Bros. In her past life, she edited the food section of Isthmus Newspaper in Madison, WI. Now she teaches Food Writing at Saint Joseph's University.
Fridge-ligious By Tenaya Darlington, a.k.a Madame Fromage
Darlington_1 I like to think of my fridge as “the afterlife.” It’s full of all the things I could ever want in paradise – from tiny Lady Apples to French cheese – and none of the things I would banish from the universe, such as diet soda or Kraft Singles.
I view the fridge as a space that I curate. I have a partner, but he is a cereal man. He curates a certain cupboard, while I take pride in stocking the crisper (with cheese) and lining the door with condiments. As he will tell you, nothing makes me happier than a well-stocked fridge and a Vesuvial pantry.
I believe a well-stocked fridge should contain these items: 4-5 cheeses, smoked fish, a quart of raw milk, 2-3 delicious mustards, pickles, apples, greens, a jar of Nutella and good preserves, organic eggs, fresh horseradish, ginger, plenty of olives, and at least one thing you have never tried before.
Darlington_2 Should the spirit of M.F.K Fisher descend upon your house, you will be prepared to serve her a sumptuous spread. In the fridge door, you should always stow a bottle of Prosecco and some dark beer.
You could say I’ve been pollinated by Michael Pollan – I value locally grown food and the handiwork of food artisans. My cheese bill is astronomical, but I view paying high prices as a form of tithing – supporting the hard work of people who are stewards of the land and of animals.
This makes me the kind of grrrl who buys clothes at Good Will and shops at Whole Foods – or a local market, preferably. And that’s fine with me. Like a good cheese, I may look fearsome on the outside, but inside, I am divine.